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Brief information about padmasana and vajrasana

Padmasana - Lotus

Padmasana, coupled with Shirshasana (Headstand), is regarded to as the highest or “royal” Asana (seating posture). The Lotus stance stimulates and balances the Chakras while also calming the mind. It's the best seating position for Pranayama and Meditation.

What exactly is Padmasana? What are some of the advantages of Padmasana?
Straightens the spine. Aids in the development of proper posture. Menstrual discomfort and sciatica are relieved. Maintains joint and ligament flexibility. The spine, pelvis, abdomen, and bladder are all stimulated. 


Padmasan pose


How to Practice Padmasan:
Sit on the floor with your legs straight. Bend the right leg and lay the foot on top of the left thigh, very near to the body. Bend the left leg and place the foot on top of the right thigh, very close to the body. The upper body should be absolutely straight, and the knees should be parallel to the ground. Sit on a cushion of a suitable height to maintain the trunk erect and the knees resting on the floor.
(please refer to above image)

Vajrasana - Sitting on the Heels
Vajrasana is a yoga pose that relaxes and harmonises the body and psyche. Because this position aids digestion, it is recommended that you sit in Vajrasana for 5-10 minutes after a meal. 

What is Vajrasana and what are its advantages?
Vajrasana is a yoga pose that aids digestion and relieves constipation and other stomach problems. This asana aids in the reduction of acidity. This asana promotes lifespan and spine strength. Vajrasana aids in the circulation of blood throughout the body. The vajrasana version helps to relax the mind and quiet the mind. 

Vajrasan pose

How to Practice Vajrasan:
Come up onto your knees as a warm-up exercise (knee stand). The legs are linked. The big toes are touching, and the heels are pointing slightly outwards. Sit back between the heels with your upper body tilted forward. The trunk is standing straight up. Put your hands on your thighs. (please refer to above image)

Is it necessary to listen to music while doing yoga?
According to study, listening to uplifting music might help you feel happy, especially if you're trying to improve your mood while doing so. There's also evidence that formal music therapy can help with depression when used in conjunction with other therapies. Reduce your level of anxiety. The song "Weightless" reduced participants' total anxiety by 65 percent and their physiological resting rates by 35 percent when they listened to it.

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