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417 Hz Wipes out all the negative energy from your home or workplace


What is 417 Hz frequency?

It is related with Muladhara (Root) Chakra. Image result for 417 hz frequency advantages 417Hz — Aids in the development of good change and creativity. This frequency has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety by loosening tight muscles and joints, increasing physical mobility. Svadhishthana (Sacral) Charka is related with 417Hz.

417 Hz – This lovely Solfeggio frequency is also known to heal and balance the Sacral Chakra, our second energy centre. It is a frequency that can bring about change, that marks the beginning of new beginnings in life, and that is so powerful that it can reverse and undo negative events.

417 Hz has a lot of advantages. 

  • Negative Energy is Removed from the Body via Solfeggio Frequency.
  • Remove any negative energy from your home or workplace.
  • Remove negative thoughts and patterns of behaviour.
  • Reverse situations that have resulted in a negative outcome.
  • Change is facilitated in you and others.
  • Aids in the recovery from a traumatic event.
  • The Sacral Chakra is balanced and healed.

Allow this incredibly strong frequency to vibrate and tune your Sacral Chakra, clearing out all negative energy, blockages, and emotions. The 417 hz Miracle Tone Music is specifically developed for sleep.

Why does 417 Hz have a relaxing effect?

The 417 hertz frequency is supposed to help you improve your mind's ability to undo damage by assisting in the cleansing of traumatic experiences and negative influences from the past, as well as encouraging conscious and subconscious good change in your life.

Sound and music healing is not a new phenomenon. People have been listening to music for relaxation and better sleep since ancient times. Based on over 45 years of study and research on millions of people, solfeggio frequency music is recognised for various healing therapy

The following link contains a playlist of all 9 solfeggio music,  Truly Relaxing Music YouTube channel 


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