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Why am i tired all the time but can't sleep?

There could be a number of reasons for this.

Your circadian cycle may be out of whack if you're tired but can't sleep. Worry, depression, coffee usage, blue light from devices, sleep disorders, and even diet can all contribute to feeling tired throughout the day and awake at night. We've further broken it down for you.

1. You aren't receiving the proper amount of rest.

Most people require between seven and nine hours of sleep every night, according to sleep specialists, while a small minority of people may require more or less.
Most doctors advocate keeping note of how you feel 15-20 minutes after waking up to see if you're getting enough sleep. If you sleep between seven and nine hours a night and wake up feeling refreshed and with enough energy to get through the day, you're receiving enough sleep.

2. Your lifestyle doesn’t suit your chronotype

Our bodies can readily adjust to multiple time zones, so as long as your sleep pattern is regular, the hours in which it occurs are unimportant.
Your chronotype, on the other hand, could be affecting your sleep. Your chronotype determines whether you are a lark (someone who prefers going to bed and waking up earlier) or an owl (someone who prefers going to bed and waking up later) (people who tend to get more alert as the day goes and want to go to bed later and wake up later).

3. You aren't spending enough time outside.

Our circadian rhythm is greatly aided by exposure to sunshine; when we see the sun, it tells our brain what time it is.
Many individuals aren't getting out of the home enough, especially with the pandemic and different lockdown limitations, which could be affecting how exhausted you feel. Sitting beside a window is beneficial, but getting outside for a stroll is even more effective - try to get outside for a walk every day.

4. You're getting too much caffeine into your system.

It's probably the last thing you want to hear, but too much caffeine can disrupt your sleep and make you feel sluggish during the day.
You don't have to give up coffee completely, but you should avoid it after 3 p.m. unless absolutely necessary, and severely lower your intake to see whether it makes you feel more active and energised.

6. You’re battling with your mental health

People who are battling with their mental health are frequently fatigued and exhausted. You may lack motivation to stay awake, making you feel sluggish and sleepy.
Emotional health is really vital, so make sure you're in good mental shape and get expert help if you're not.

7. Is it beneficial to listen to music while sleeping?

Yes, Playing music before bed can help you fall asleep faster and sleep better by increasing sleep efficiency, which means you spend more time in bed sleeping. Improved sleep efficiency translates to more consistent rest and fewer nighttime awakenings. 
Check out our Youtube playlist for fantastic relaxing hours, relaxing piano music, piano music for stress relief, good sleep and deep sleep, and effective and focused study.
Playlist with Truly Relaxing Music  


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