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Using the power of relaxing music to relieve stress


Have you heard a distant appliance hum? Or might it be the distant rumble of a jet passing overhead? Or the road outside, with its woosh, screeching brakes, and growling exhaust?

The quieting of the ringing, revving, and hammering of man-made noise pollution that has enveloped the world, not at all the absence of sound. Calming music stands out even more in an excessively noisy world.

Calming, Relaxing and meditation music has a powerful impact on both the mind and the body. Faster music might help you concentrate and feel more awake. Upbeat music can boost your mood and help you feel more hopeful about life. A slower cadence helps calm your thoughts and relax your muscles, making you feel calmer and letting go of the day's stress. Music can help you relax and manage your stress.

According to the research, music with a beat rate of 60 beats per minute can enable the brain to synchronize with the beat, resulting in alpha brainwaves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second). When we are comfortable and conscious, we have this alpha brainwave. A person may need to spend at least 45 minutes in a relaxed position, listening to peaceful music, to induce sleep (a delta brainwave of 5 hertz).

So, what kind of music helps you relax the most?

Even when performed relatively loudly, Native American, Celtic, and Indian stringed instruments, drums, and flutes are particularly good at relaxing the mind. Rain, thunder, and nature noises can also be soothing, especially when combined with other music such as light jazz, classical, or easy listening.

Listen to the best variety of calming and relaxing music on our YouTube channel


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